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the general populous become stupid as time god on, so technology becomes easier to use, but people some how out grow this and become even more stupid, so technology gets even easier to use, but incredibly people become even more stupid....and of course technology strive to become even easier to use, it's a vicious cycle that's has one end....that end will be where the tech does everything before the person even thinks about it, anything but this and these brain dead people create a fuss which companies don't want or need.

This is what I see now happening in society, I mean it was a joke when some one said they couldn't program a VCR, and of course everyone laughed...but it's getting to the point of being ridiculous...I swear how easy can things get before the tech it's self does it for you...

In any case the wording of the article does imply that one could feasible go into this option and let the game play it's self, after all there is no mention of this particular option being either time bound or at least level bound, so until further info is revealed to say otherwise, this option I've suggested is still a possibility.