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This is for all you guys who have played countless hours of Demon's Souls...We've been through our frustrations, that much is true. I encountered the biggest frustration in my video game history. Here we go.

So I kill the maneater and then Wenlan gets on so we can do some co-op. I summon him and we kill the old monk. We then beat 5-1 and 5-2. Now, all we have to do is beat 5-3 and I'm in new game ++. This is where things get hairy. My game freezes up. So, I restart the game and I'm back where I defeated the maneater. Then I got to thinking about this crazy ass rainstorm that came through which cut our power for a split-second. Apparently, this was a jolt of sadness for me because my save file became corrupted.

I've done everything I can to possible trick the glitch or whatever. Nothing works. 80 hours down the drain. The saddest game day of my life. Nothing like this has ever happened to me. Now when I load my game it takes me to a grey screen where I fall for about 30 seconds and then die. I reappear in the Nexus only to load into another world and right back into a grey screen.

@ameratsu: If you would remember my character, it would be appreciated. His name was Death Eater. He was a hunter and he live to be 132 (his level).

@wenlan: all help is appreciated man. You've helped me out a lot throughout the game. I'll get back up there soon. I guess I'm justified in using the soul glitch now. I'm a 53 hunter at the moment. I'll get with you once I get back up to your level.

If you read this, slap yourself.

PS3 Trophies