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Lafiel said:

MS and Sony should counter this with auto-play that automatically gathers all trophies/achivements for a game - people would buy much more games to gather trophies/achivements

and, yes, I'm kidding


Why kid?  You're absolutely correct.  There are clearly hordes of points junkies who'd love something like this if it automatically got them tricky goals.  If this proved popular and Sony/MS did want to do something similar they'd have to ensure it didn't earn any rewards.

I think it's a lovely idea - but on the other hand I'm concerned about the idea of removing challenge.  Learning to cope with failure, etc. is an important element of growth - as a parent I actually shiver a little at a generation growing up where you're automatically allowed to win, then finding out the real world is less forgiving.

With videogames becoming so central to many youngsters experience of competition and play from a physiological perspective this is not necessarily a good mechanism for self growth and maturity.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...