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Signalstar said:
That is despicable. If the Wii game is anything like the DS version it will be impossibly easy. No one needs to skip through that game. What ever happened to the satisfaction of a job well done. People are getting lazier by the second. Books that read themselves, surgery to suck the fat out of us, and now games that play themselves.

Man up and do something without a machine because as you use it, it uses you as well.


This is nothing like you describe.


Think of it as training wheels. I hugely doubt you rode a bike at first without them.


Super Mario Bros. for example, is probably the best designed game ever. All of us have played it, and many of us have mastered it. However, people like my parents and siblings often didn't, because they were intimidated.

What this does, is simply give them training wheels as they play. If they can't do something, they are given aid in those spots. However, the fact is that they ARE playing, and will improve just because of the fact that they are playing. Eventually the training wheels will come off, and they will carry on in the games without them.

This is a perfect solution for getting people into more "hardcore" gaming, who are tepid about trying "harder" games out.

And anyway, unless you're in an online game and somebody has auto aim on, what do you care? Why is it important to you, or anybody, in any way shape or form, how it is a person plays a videogame that they spent their hard earned 50 dollars on? If they "cheat", is it going to make the sun implode? Will our economy further tank? Are there going to be more unwanted pregnancies?

It's a freaking video game. ;)

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!