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They could increase the difficulty of the game as close as SMB Lost Levels! Although impossible, that would be awesome!

This is can be compared to a person, who's not good at video games, giving you the controller to finish the level. But for this system, they will eventually have to complete this one for themselves.

Besides, even if they used this system completely to beat the game, what can they hope to achieve from beating it? It won't be the satisfaction of beating it and it won't be for the story. It certainly won't be for the secrets.

I admit that this is a double-edge sword so we will have to play it ourselves and see how it's implemented =)


I am a Breakout Bat.
I am an abstract sort of creature, who dislikes any sort of restraint. If you try to pigeonhole me, I'll break the box, and come back for more. I don't have any particular ambitions, I just drift, but I am adept at keeping life going along.

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