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*shrug* There have always been ways you can make a game more or less challenging. If you really wanted Twilight Princess to be hard, you could have ignored the Heart Piece after every boss. Or, you could have had found a guide on GameFAQs and walked you through the game. Each person will only work so hard for a game. The person who enjoys working through frustrating parts will still work through them, and the person who'd give up, or go to a guide, or use cheats, will still do something to get past the difficult parts. Nintendo is just making it easier for people who don't want to deal with hard parts to do that. In doing that, it allows them to make more challenging parts for people who want more of that.

Basically, this is just Chrizum's post fleshed out a bit for noname to understand.

Edit: I remember a challenge in OoT where you only have three hearts and you use some broken knife and no shield for the whole game.  It just serves to reinforce my point.