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Soriku said:
Xxain said:
Soriku said:
Xxain said:
Soriku said:
Xxain said:
Soriku said:
Xxain said:
Soriku said:
Vashyo said:
Xen said:
That's great, tbh. That gives Nintendo the leeway to make their games harder.

I doubt nintendo has made any hard games since gamecube :/

FE is supposed to be hard. TP is harder than TWW. SMG is pretty hard at times. And they've made a bunch of RPGs and such which all have their own set of difficulties.

So...what are you talking about?

Even casual games like Wii Sports can be hard. Try getting all platinum trophies...

ARE YOU KIDDEN ME!!!! ...TP is the easiest Zelda ive ever played, and sunshine was harder than Galaxy

No way about TP being easier than TWW. TP's dungeons are a lot more annoying (Lakebed Temple and City in the Sky suck balls), and some enemies are harder than in TWW (like Iron Knuckles for example. In TWW you face off against a ton of them and they're not too hard to beat. But then in TP they can be a nightmare in groups.)

Haven't played Sunshine though so I can't say about that but some SMG levels are really annoying.

The only challenge in TP was the last fight in the optional dungeon,....its al most impossible to die in TO unless you kill urself

TP fights are harder (I don't remember hard TWW fights) IMO but what about temples? TP temples are more annoying.

TP had Looooooooooong dungeon( FU water and sky Temple) but they weren't hard though...i thought they were a tad bit simpler

Well...I disagree :P

what do you mean hard???

Enemies are more annoying and temples are more annoying.

Games these days are all getting way too easy and with wii's huge amount of casual gamers they have to make the games simple and easier, if you had played during NES/SNES/SEGA -era you would understand what hard really means in gaming (no saves, very limited lives, in most of games you died instantly when you took damage). RPG's are not hard, they just require grinding and time and all will be easy.

Also trophies in games have been made so that they require lot of commitment to get, so of course they're hard to get when you have to kill 100 enemies in 10 second, kill 100000 enemies total, etc but do you really play a game for the trophies or for fun?

I heavily doubt TP is hard, propably annoying at times but nothing an average gamer couldn't handle.