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i agree with noname2200, sometimes i need to be forced into learning how to do something - there are parts of some games i've played that i'd have loved to skip, but i had to try them over and over again until i got the hang of it. then i was able to use the skills i learned at later points in the game.. and i feel proud of myself when i've done it

on the other hand tho, i could have done with this when i was playing OoT (damn that water temple, damn it to hell! lol)

a bit of a balanced opinion from me, so far i can see how this would benefit new/younger players. but i didn't become a level 4 Cloud Master at the age of 5 for nothin', you know. i played that game til my hands ached so i could compete with my dad. take away the challenge, and people become lazy. (again the same point noname made).

i also dont like how it says "without purchasing a strategy guide or resorting to websites that list cheat codes." Someone looking for a strategy guide doesnt need to purchase one, they're available online. And most of them don't have cheats per se, just the same info as an official strategy guide.


Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.