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Ahh, yes. I can't any negative to this either, but hey, it's Nintendo who announcd this, so there are of course people going 'OMFG NOEZ NINTENDO IS FOR TEH CASUALZ, WII IS D00MED!!1'... All the haters crawl up out of their dark, muddy HD-holes to fling mud at the colorful realm that is Wii and Nintendo in general.

Like over 9,000 people before me said here, it's optional. So, erm, yeah. Why not have it. You don't HAVE to use it, and it's great for people who don't spend hours everyday playing videogames.

And I fully expect both Microsoft and Sony to copy this. That's a given. The question is: how long before they do so? If I were them, I'd do it soon. Get it over with. Everyone knows they'll do it eventually, anyway.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046