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What kind of games do you like? The SNES really has good games for a lot of genres.

In addition to super mario world (my favorite mario game) you also should grab
Super Mario All Stars
And Super Mario RPG
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is amazing and in my opinion the best SNES game period (although I do admit that nostalgia may effect this but I replay the game atleast once a year)
Donkey Kong Country 1&3 are awesome but my favorite is 2
Super Mario Kart is freaking sweet and was amazing when it came out, but if you've played Mario Kart 64 (still my favorite) you'll enjoy Super Mario Kart but probably not be impressed by it.
Star Fox is also a very fun game on the SNES but I liked Star Fox 64 a little bit more (but I'm a weird Star Fox fan as my favorite so far is Star Fox Assault)
It's hard for me to recommend any of the other games I have for the SNES because of the fact that they are not widely known/loved. For instance I imported (the only time I've ever imported anything) every DBZ game I could find for the SNES and learned to play them despite not knowing the language, but this is because I love DBZ (Hyper Dimension is an amazing fighter, and The Legend of the Super Saiyan is a great RPG). You might like mortal kombat but those were big during the SNES/Genisis era and without that nostalgia I'm not sure they would hold up.

If you actually read all that I also want to say congrats on getting an SNES it is an amazing system and please (for the love of god!) in real life either call it the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, the Super Nintendo, or the S. N. E. S. (as in pronounce each letter) I've only heard 1 person in real life call it the snesss (as in the character Ness with a nasalized s at the beginning) and it is horrible and apparently in other parts of the world it is common - but I hate it.

Currently dreaming of: DKC4 or Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (classic 2D platformers) for WiiWare, Smash Bros. for DSi, New Super Mario World for DSi, a Wii remake or true sequel of Final Fantasy Tactics.

One down, hopefully more awesomeness to come.