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Alby_da_Wolf said:
As MS targeting Nintendo after Sony is KO, or at least not dangerous anymore, isn't a remote eventuality, maybe Nintendo should hit first, targeting MS when it's still fighting Sony...

was the gaming industry always this viscious. I remember people only cared about playing the games and no one was attacking each other about the systems. My friends all had their preferences, some liked the nintendo games, others prefered sony games, and a lot loved the dreamcast when it came it. Each system had its own draw and people enjoyed what they had. I never remembered people attacking each other until the past 2 gen when microsoft entered the market. Maybe its just because the internet wasn't as prevalent then. I don't know.

PSN: Skiptomylou41k

Gamertag: Skiptomylou41k

PS3 Slim/Xbox 360 Short/Wii Black/PS2 Slim/Psp/DS

Cypher1980 said:
Soon the Darkside will be irresistable and will crush the MS rebel scum underfoot.

The Wii owners are like Ewoks. The Evil empire will tolerate them but turn their forest moon into a secret base.