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Hey Leo-j, just leave it as it is and keep posting man. Who cares about high post counts, vg$, moderation priviliges or whatever. This is a great website to have discussions and debates about video games and thats what keeps me coming back ever since I created my account..... As I read through the countless posts I came to the conclusion that Talonman is one of the moderators since he was the one that fined you that ridiculous amount. Now if you ask me I would say that he abused his moderator privilages in that situation. However, having a negative balance on an account with worthless virtual money should not be a big deal. Just enjoy this awesome website and its community by engaing in discussions and debates on a variety of topics. Keep the arguments and debates in a respectful manner in order to avoid getting banned again. I have not being banned or fined before and I intend on keeping it that way by engaging in discussions without offending anybody.... Good luck man