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I can't see the ps3 having this massive turn around for no other reason than it is the ps3, so I'd say minimum for this gen which require basically the whole industry decaying, alot
ps3 15 million, if the industry really begins to real retailers will cut the worst perfoming and most expensive and space occupying it first
xbox360 25 million, nothing from Japan, but US is a lock
wii 50 million small, cheap and (almost) everybody wants one, I can't see it doing less than 50 million

what I think the end of this gen will look like
wii 110 million, momentum of a freight train, carries the whole world
xbox 360 60 million genesis like competition in the US and Europe it'll be alright
ps3 30 million, the market is big enough for 3 competitors, but somebody has to have a smaller slice of the pie, and the ps3 has the least to offer
I really can't see the market shrinking unless last gens numbers are inflated by the build quality of the ps2 (considering even a 10% replacement rate would be 10+ million units), which I wouldn't rule out


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!