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They implement the HDCP for media companies, even though they barely get any use on PCs. But they don't seem willing/able to help out PC developers by implementing the same type of seamless content protection for PC games. Why can't they help implement a system which makes it easier to people who pay for their games to play them and harder for people who don't. They could you know, make it the reverse of the current situation.

They have a perfect opportunity to get AMD/Nvidia to implement hardware content protection right into the video cards themselves. It doesn't even have to be harsh, all it needs to do is give the pirates a worse experience than the people who pay for the games. They could do something simple like deny any future DX11+ features for people who have pirated games. If they can keep the hardware of the Xbox 360 encrypted, im sure they could do likewise for the PC games and make it a complete PITA to bypass. Make people click 100 UAC screens or something to show how keen they are to pirate the games. Im sure if someones willing to take that punishment they deserve to not pay for the game or something.

Im not an online gamer, im a single player gamer and really the PC is suffering for a lot of these kinds of experiences. I hardly play my PC anymore because the PC is a shadow of its former self and a game platform to me and pretty much its all down to piracy. The games cost more to make but the number of people paying for them seems to be dropping.
