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puffy said:
Million said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
I think we've got a much better chance of losing the Playstation brand, than the Xbox brand, over the next two generations.

I think we've got a much better chance of loosing the playstation console under Sony than we do the XBOX under microsoft . But if we're talking about brands alone then you've got to be kidding . No other console could have survived at the PS3's price point and Sony owes that to the playstation brand , yes the XBOX brand has increased significantly in strength but that's due to measures that MS has taken the force the XBOX on the consumer (the Arcade for example).

How is it possible that the expensive PS3 is able to sell within range of the 360 despite the fact that even the PSP cost more than a new 360 ? if the siutation was reversed there is no way the 360 would be able to sell on par.

That's a decade + worth of history mate.

If Apple had a choice between buying Playstation and everything it represents (I.P's , development resources etc) or the XBOX brand I think we all know what the obvious chocie would be.

What does Apple have to do with this discussion?

I was putting my argument into perspective . But Apple does have relevant , out of all the companies that don't have an involvment in the console industry that may want to Apple is one of the more capable skills,resources and brand name wise . Playstation integrated into Apple could make for a formidable opponent.