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I'm actually more surprised at their PSP hardware projections.

April-May 2008 PSP HW Sales - 1.73m Worldwide

April-May 2009 PSP HW Sales - 1.17m Worldwide


PSP Go isn't out until October, it costs $250, and most of the big portable games are on DS this year.

PSP sold 883,000 in from June 1 to September 27 2008 in Japan which is about 220,000/month.

Right now PSP is doing 25k-35k/week in Japan, so I would expect 500,000 in the four months ending September 2009 in Japan.


PSP will probably be down 1m for the fiscal year in Japan, 1m in the Americas, and 1m in Others even with the PSP Go. The 3m drop from 14.11m shipped last fiscal year is only a 20% drop though, which is pretty good considering PSP is down 33% so far in the fiscal year and Sony forecast growth for the year.


Its looking like PSP sales could be down ~45% in both the Americas and Japan through the PSP Go launch. That should ensure a bigger October, and a flat Nov-Dec. But I would imagine sales would drop from early 2009 levels in the first three months of 2008.


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu