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Here are my wishes:

1. Make the game a lot less linear; would be cool if you could take the dungeons in a more random order, and not follow the standard formula that you need item x to enter dungeon y, what if there were multiple ways to get through a dungeon?
2. More sidequests - look to Majora's Mask! Make Link have a direct impact on the NPCs lives, and make the sidequests rewarding (not just a piece of heart please!)
3. Get magic back into the mix, and some XP elements.
4. Main quest should be challenging, but put the biggest challenge in the puzzles. Wind Waker and TPs puzzles had no challenge at all; again, look to Majora's Mask!
5. Let's not have to rescue Princess Zelda again, please!
6. Optional items! The original Legend of Zelda, and Zelda 3 had several items that were cool, but not necessary to complete the games. Give us these items by completing sidequests!
7. Secrets, secrets, secrets!
8. How about multiple difficulty levels to cater to both newcomers and veterans?
9. EPIC boss battles. Introduce the bosses like in OoT and MM: "Bio-electric Anemone BARINADE" anyone?!?! :)