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Crazymann said:
forevercloud3000 said:
gebx said:
forevercloud3000 said:
You know people, sometimes there ARE better incentives then deniro to do something. MGS4 was exclusive to PS3 for the Idea of utilizing the PS3's power alone. Kojima KEPT it exclusive for this reason and for good will alone.

Now I know we have seen quite a few times now exclusivity become engulfed by the mighty dollar and in turn go MP. Yet MGS4 has proven a possibility for the alternative for 3rd parties.

And exclusive games get more media buzz anyway.


And why does that only apply to the Playstation consoles??

it doesn't. Gears of War much(although MS might have thrown in some added security because they know.....MS...)

And THAT is exactly what I mean.  I believe that Sony paid Rockstar, and that belief has just as much proof as your statement.  It is inconceivable to some that companies may make an exclusive for the 360 for anything other than money. 

Larger userbase?  Friendlier development platform?  More PC-like architechture?  Most of the power without most of the pain?  Nah... it must be about money. 

Then people wonder why there is such backlash!  If I were a 360 fan, I would be laughing about/ tearing this apart too.  Money-hatting happens on all sides (well, probably not Nintendo, looking at 3rd party output).  Only a fool would believe otherwise.

I would like to refer you to my "bidding war" argument. I do not completely dismiss the idea that Sony could possibly be doing the old moneyhat routine to nab this as exclusive but I highly doubt it. As I stated before, Sony cannot, repeat, CANNOT win in a bidding war against MS. If sony was paying R* for exclusivity, I assure you, MS would double the deal and have it too on their system. MS has already proven to want any 3rd party game that has ever been tied to the Sony name. This is R* after all, anything they do is big. Why would MS just decide to pass this up? Truth of the matter is, they wouldn't. Unfortunately for them, this is not an issue of money, but an entirely different agenda at hand.

And this goes for big 3rd party games such as MGS4 as well. We know MS wants it, if it were about money, they would already have it by now. If Sony was moneyhatting they would not have lost FFXIII, DMC4, AC, GTA4, etc exclusivity. That would be the only purpose of moneyhatting in the first place, securing the exclusive(or in MS's case, getting companies to break exclusivity).


surely you can see the plausability of the above.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)