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Which game appeals to you more?

Final Fantasy Versus XIII involves Noctis Lucis Caelum, the last heir to an isolated nation, which holds the last Crystal protected by kings. Its isolation is due to the city's resistance to protect itself against invading heretics. The game has been said to initiate at the "clearing" of a long Cold War between warring nations that revolved around the crystals. Nomura is "trying to propose new vision of how a Final Fantasy game can be. The game's going to be more human than the science-fiction caricature ... and will focus around current world events - in that sense it's darker". The battle system is described to be similar to Kingdom Hearts, but still a little different.

Final Fantasy XIII's gameplay system still uses the multiple command system and the time gauge bar just like the ATB. However, the difference between this system and the ATB gauge is that commands can still be placed in the slots even though the bar has run out and the actions will be executed once the required slots are filled up. This however will affect the chain combo hits as the combo has been interrupted. Final Fantasy XIII is set to be in a futuristic high tech world. The world is split into two very different parts. One part is a floating, mechanical city called Cocoon, which has also been described as a space colony. Cocoon is home to a few million people. These people of Cocoon are frightened of the other part of the world which is outside of the city, a place called Pulse. In the city of Cocoon, the people are protected by crystals and so can live peacefully. The crystals can create machines and living creatures. The city is even known to have been created by a Crystal. The crystal has chosen Lightning to bring an end to the world. When she was chosen she became an enemy of the Human Race and was believed to bring destruction to the world.

IMO I might have to go more towards Versus because I really like the way the story seems to be going. I also like the whole dark effect of the game (kinda reminds you of FFVII :D). If I were to split it in two percentages for how much I like both games it'd be FFVXIII: 52% and FFXIII 48%, so its not that big of a difference for me. Anyway I'm rambling, what are your guys opinions?