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"The point of the link was to show the press isn't all good for Nintendo; you didn't have to reply. But hey, thanks for your opinions."

You are welcome.

"Every console company has made false promises and said things to boost hype. Why you are so focused on this 4-D comment is beyond me. If you don't know what it means they why they heck do you care? It's just a comment! I'm not going to research everything Microsoft has said but I know for a fact that they made false promises in an EGM interview and this year they pointed that out in a followup. So what?"


a) why are you so focused on every comment Nintendo and Microsoft spew forth their frothing mouths?

b) If it's "b3yond" you, perhaps you should'nt try to delve into it too much, lest you don't mind risking your sanity...

c) "It's just a comment!" Why? Just because Sony said it? But the other companies' statements don't qualify as "comments"?

d) I know for a fact that all three companies made some ridiculous statements; however, the one that ups the decibels on the hype-o-meter is Sony...

e) So... what, then? You call everyone else's BS - why can't I call Sony's?

"Internet buzz is not a complete indicator of how anything is going. Do you base all of your opinions on how much "buzz" there is when you search google news? I don't. Most of the sites copy and paste quotes for big announcements without a tidbit of analysis."

You know this and I know this, but do you seriously believe that everyone else who isn't nearly anywhere remotely close to being a "hardcore gamer" (you know, like the ones that frequent this forum) know this? They see and hear "buzz", and I don't think you can discount this bit of truth to explain why certain consoles sell the way they sell. (No names!)

"The original headlines for the Elite were something like "A fanboy's dream comes true! The Elite is here!" then a few days later people actually had a chance to think about it and realized it's a stupid idea. I was a few days ahead, I guess. Maybe you just read headlines, I don't know."

You don't know. Have you even bothered to read any of my comments? I state that the Elite is the 360 killer - killer not as in killer app, but as in "that which will bring the death knell to Microsoft". Maybe you just read the first three words of my posts, I don't know.

"Ahh, Wii exclusives..heh...I'm going to enjoy this. How many games on the Wii couldn't be on another system? Zelda? Oh wait, that was on the gamecube, wasn't it? Rayman Raving Rabbits? Oh, PS2...darn...Warioware was on the gamecube. The Godfather? Nope. SSX? Nope. Okay, Wii sports. Ya got me! There aren't too many games that couldn't be ported to the PS3 and 360."

I am talking about the control mechanisms (and made it specifically clear, but you must've missed that), but if you want to twist things around, two can play that game. F1? Been playing countless iterations of F1 since I can remember. RFOM? Funny, isn't that just another one of 57,092 FPSs out there? Oh, oh! Motorstorm! You mean a dirt racing game with how many tracks? No! No! It's gotta be... oh, geez, that's about it...

But... wait! Howsabout Tiger Woods? Howsabout Cooking Mama?

You should know that we are talking about the gameplay and controls. Just as much as one has to admit that the amount of sheer horsepower both the 360 and PS3 have would be impossibly to recreate on the Wii (but can be done by dumbing down), you have to admit that games like Warioware Smooth Moves, Rayman Raving Rabbids and (esp.) the Godfather Blackhand Edition recreate gameplay controls that you cannot do on the other two systems.

Boy, I thoroughly enjoyed that as well... was it as good for you as it was for me?

"There are plenty of online games for the PS3. So far I've played Resistance, Motorstorm, RR7, and MK2 with no lag."

I am so happy for you. I have played 13 FPSs, Rfactor (with its hordes of add-ons and mods) and a whole boatload of assorted games online with different flavors of Xboxes, PSs and PCs this last year alone... so???

"I dunno, I have really enjoyed those games and Oblivion. What kind of "uber-killer-exclusive-game" do you need?"

Um... an... exclusive? Oblivion is not exclusive... FROM? Motorstorm? F1? Read above.

Where are those for other consoles? So far Zelda and Gears of War if you like those kind of games. I'm going to play Zelda soon when I get my Wii. And btw, it took a year for Gears of War to come out, and Zelda is a gamecube game. So, if you don't consider Lair, Resistance, or Motorstorm to be a "uber-killer-exclusive-game" then just wait.

OK, a few posts back: Make up your mind! Is it patience, no patience, or a bit of patience???