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Sorry to go off-topic but this is to those telling the GT Fans that they would be happier if they just went out, bought a 360 and grab Forza 3.

You have to understand what the GT series is. It is the most well respected amongst car enthusiasts and motor companies around the world. To some it is GT or nothing at all.

I have a brother who is like this. Cars are his passion, everything in his life revolves around cars. He doesn't play any video games unless it is a Gran Turismo game. It just seems to happen that way, I don't know why, but for many it just does.

The inclusion of Nascar (for those of us in the US) will be another big deal. My father does not play video games at all, but he will agree to sit down and play with me if I purchase a Nascar title. He is a HUGE Dale jr. and Dale sr. fan. (God rest his soul) <-- Speaking of Sr. a.k.a. The Intimidator.

Some people are just different and telling someone like that that they will be happy if they drop $200 on a 360 and another $60 on Forza and it will make them happy couldn't be any further from the truth.

Sorry to ramble but I had to say that, coming from personal experience that truthfully goes outside of just my household.

With that said, to be honest I am not a racing fan what so ever but Forza 3 looks great and for those who are looking forward to it I hope you enjoy the hell out of it.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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