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@ Squilly - man, I checked several reviews and Vizio rocks. It offers the same features as high-end TVs for a fraction of the price. I was actually going for a Sanyo 42" 1080P unit, but when I saw the Vizio LCD with the 120hz refresh, I took the plunge. It's an awesome, awesome choice.

The other thing is - I frequented Wal-Marts and Best Buys for a few years looking at the HDTVs. I studied them and the differences (they have all of them running content 24-7) and then did some online research. Since I pay cash for items, I had to make this count. And I am very pleased with my purchase.

@ Liquid - you know, my first brush with 120hz on an LCD was a Best Buy demo with Transformers on HD-DVD. I felt like I was on the set, in the middle of the action. Next time, I saw Ratatioulle on Blu Ray. The characters were popping off the screen. According to my research, the TV adds an additional frame, giving a soap opera effect. If you have seen daytime soap operas, or the view, you know what I am talking about. It looks like it's live and not taped. Some people hate it - I love it. The movements are exaggerated at times, but it's fluid and looks great. The best way to see the difference is to ask a tech person at Best Buy to run the 120hz on-and-off demo. I think most TVs with 120hz has them. It will show the same scene and one side will have it enabled, the other will have it disabled. You can definitely see the difference.

I watched several movies with the 120hz enabled. The one I enjoyed the most? The Empire Strikes Back. It was in 720P, but still - the movements, the visuals. It was awesome.