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No, we're not sure we believe it, either. But, perhaps eager to generate some coverage for it PlayStation 3 platformer, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, developer Insomniac has claimed Super Mario Galaxy was inspired by one of R&C's earlier outings.

Speaking to Kikizo, Insomniac's marketing director Ryan Schneider said the team was flattered that Miyamoto had noticed them.

"There's evidence all around us I think, of certain games that have borrowed from Ratchet and Clank," he said. "One that we're even extremely flattered by is Super Mario Galaxy, with their spherical worlds; we did spherical worlds in Going Commando, and Up Your Arsenal."

He continued, "It would be amazing to think that [Mario creator Shigeru] Miyamoto-san thought that was so cool that he wanted to incorporate it into Mario Galaxy. Granted, he's doing it in a different way, but it's still a spherical world, so it's flattering to see those sorts of things."

Boy, you know you're getting older when the shoddy marketing tricks start getting more blatant.