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Dazkarieh said:
Soundwave said:
I think Nintendo probably already is working on a Wii HD, possibly even one that has a full body motion sensing camera. This wasn't exactly a huge secret, I recall people saying MS was working on a device that did exactly what they showed one year ago.

But kudos to MS, that is a real next step. Nintendo should definitely take note. That said I do think Natal like tech + Wiimote wand would be far superior.

For Nintendo honestly I just want to see the new Mario. New Pikmin. More of Sin & Punishment please. Maybe the next Zelda. For now, the best thing Nintendo can do is just make sure they have good games because Nintendo is the only one that can make Nintendo games (go figure).

They may have to answer Natal at some point but that likely will be with Wii HD.

Why would Nintendo launch a new version if the actual Wii is seling like hot cakes?

Because peope like waffles! (Where did Soundwave say anything would happen soon?)

Edit: Obviously right as I was posting this.

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Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth