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I think this E3 from MS was miles better than last year. Last year they won due to a megaton announcement to get the win, this year they actually showed good tech and more games.

I don't think facebook or twitter are a big deal considering you have a full browser on the ps3 and can therefore access pretty much any such application.

The HD movie fix ain't a big deal either. It's just a solution for not being able to purchase true 1080p HD films.

The 3D cam was awesome but I think it will be a longtime until we see some sw that will make the purchase worth it.

L4d2, splinter cell and Halo were awesome and the MGS announcement was just to stick it to Sony.

From a 360fan who hasn't got a ps3, this would possibly be a 9-10/10

For some who owns a ps3 or both, it was more of a 6-7/10.

Ps3 users have FB, 1080p movies, free movies, mgs games, motion controls and eye toy, remote access to the ps3 from anywhere in the world and an option to install another OS to get even further use from the console.

I was dissapointed that there was no mention of Killer Instinct, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Otogi, Oddworld: Strangers Wrath and no new Dead or Alive game. Now let's see if Sony can live upto the MS conference!