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Meet Left 4 Dead 2's New Survivors, See First Screens

Valve is turning a sequel around in record Valve time, announcing today that Left 4 Dead 2 will be hitting the Xbox 360 and PC later this year. Meet the new zombie apocalypse Survivors.

Since Left 4 Dead 2 takes place roughly at the same time as the events of the original and far away in the Southern United States, we're going to be playing with four all new non-infected humans. And they'll go toe-to-toe with some infected hordes at "The Parish," apparently, as the first campaign from Left 4 Dead 2 is revealed with a familiar looking poster.

The games spans locations from Savannah, Georgia to bayou country, and climaxing in New Orleans' French Quarter, which means escape by steamboat sounds inevitable. Expect a little more variety this time round, as Valve has added new melee weapons and expanded the AI Director, allowing for dynamic weather effects, changing level layouts and zombie infestations that actually take place during daylight.

Also promised? Left 4 Dead 2 features "more co-operative campaigns, more campaigns and maps for the Versus game modes than L4D 1, plus support for Survival mode out of the box." See three new screens of Left 4 Dead 2 in action in the gallery.


PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

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