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DKII said:
You think that somehow the PS3 Slim will save Sony so much money that even though they're still losing money on the current $400 model, they can cut the price by $100 and somehow be making money afterwards? Not real likely there.

Lets think about this logically. First off the ps3 cost about 900 dollars to make when it launched. according to SCE president they are still losing 10% in each system sold... so they basically saved 500 dollars to make the ps3 from launch... now where did it all come from? Well first thing they did was take out the memory card slot 2 usb ports and the ps2 chips... Even if we include the full retail price of the ps2 into this (Which is very generous since there was no ps2 chasis or cd drive in the ps3 and retailers sell higher rate than manufacturers AND sony was selling the ps2 t profit) that was only 150 dollar savings. so somewhere along the lines Sony saved 350 dollars more with adding bigger HDD. How would that be? Well they shrunk the cell twice and the RSX once. They shrunk the Mobo too (basically by removing EE chips) Do I think shrinking the RSX again, using smaller power supply, cooling system, chasis, and shipping boxes will allow Sony to drop the price and still make profit? my answer is yes. and if they announce a slim i can see them dropping price of the fatties to clear out stock and then drop the slim just like they did with the 60giggers