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Recently on the Nintendo N-Sider forums I confronted a N-Sider who claimed that fanboy's were the downfall of Nintendo. So I've come here to talk about it in a more intellectual manner!  As well as talk about fanboys in general on all platform's not exclusive to Nintendo's platforms.

A fanboy is somebody who is not only loyal to a specific company but narrow mindedly supports that single company in any and all situations. A fanboy cannot be reasoned with and blindly supports his or her specific company only. In some cases fanboys have been known even to boycott third party titles on their companies platform!

 A Loyalist is a gamer who remains open minded enjoying all games but sticks to a single platform loyaly prefering that companies titles and hardware to any of the other companies. Loyalism is the loyalty to a single brand. A Loyalist however can often be talked toand will often support htird parties and first parties. A loyalists Ideology is often why buy a second platform when I can use that money to buy jmore of the games on my existing platform. I'm happy with (Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo) why would I want to go buy the other companies hardware.

Now that being said do loyalists/fanboy's hurt third party sales, which consoles are most affected by Fanboy's and are they affected in a positive or negative manor? 


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer