It's hard for me to rate the Wii I haven't used it yet, but I've heard the problem is aiming then changing your view and the sensors calculate about where the transition occurs. With mice and analogs, aiming is looking so it's when you do one the other is automatically there. Seperating looking and aiming seems to me to require more preciseness in telling the sensors how large the TV is and where the sensor is.
Seems to me it would be hard to circle-strafe with a Wiimote, because you have the analog on the nunchuck for movement, then the Wiimote off-screen to turn your view. That's the circle-strafe, but then if you want to shoot somebody you'd start just shafing and no longer turning so you can't circle and shoot at the same time. Am I wrong about this?
Until further clarification and new games for the Wii:
Mouse/keyboard: 8/10 (specialized keyboards/mice up to 9 or 10. and whoever said this is too complicated for people is missing the's the most realistic in what type of movements you can pull off and has accurate aiming. I don't understand why some of you want a challenge and want it to be harder, but whatever).
Wiimote: 7/10
Gamepads: 4/10 with 2 analogs