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All this Wii-mote being kick ass for FPS is all theorical at this point.  I admit Red Steel is the only one I have played but it was a horrible pain in the ass. and it wasnt realistic like I had imagined.  

I was keeping my arm locked at the shoulder and using tiny wrist movements to aim. if i tried to aim it like a pistol I had horrible accuracy and would seen get motion sick.  Instead of using thumbs I was using my wrist (why is this better?).  i might be retarded i dunno.   


mouse 10/10

pad 7/10


wiimote 4/7 


more time woulda helped me out, but my god Red Steel was one of my biggest gaming disappointments of my life.  i was DYING to play it - talked a guy from work into bringing his wii w/him to work - hooked up to the widescreen in the bar area on a 50" widescreen. We fired it up and I still cant quite fathom just HOW disappointed I was.  


Keep in mind that , The commericals for the Wii ALMOST had me on the Wii wagon.  But 

karma intervened and I got my hands on a PS3 at wally world 7 days after launch and did the FPS thing Resistance style! Long live the Playstation !