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There are always two no more no less. This was an implicit statement rather then an explicit statement. A implicit statement makes a point without doing so overtly. Influences the reader without their knowledge. In this case it has an undertone of racism. While the statement itself means nothing. This is a tried and true tactic within certain trolling communities.

For an example I might ask someone. "Where you molested as a child?" On the face of it that is not a grievous statement. However the implication is that there is something wrong with the person that I am asking the question to. There is an implied insult even though I was not explicit in what I meant.

I would say yes it is a racist comment. On first impulse, but I need more context. I need the flow of the conversation and the author, because there is a chance the person was incompetent, or they failed to articulate properly. Which means they might have had good intent. Politicians screw this up a lot trying to say things that offend nobody.