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nordlead said:
FootballFan said:
How do i re size the screen so i dont need to side scroll? I like the overall design but this is my only gripe.

As noted in the FAQ you can not change the page width that VGChartz is set up for. However, you have 2 options to fix this on your end.

1) change your monitor resolution to 1280x... or higher (1280x1024 should be supported by any LCD or CRT with the exception of smaller laptops)

2) use FireFox or Internet Explorer and zoom in/out. This can be done either through the menu's, ctrl+ (+/-), or ctrl+mouse wheel scroll.

A third method is firmly holding the image with a finger while you move around the monitor

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!