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cool thread

my biggest dream has already been mentioned, but i say it again: a new donkey kong platformer! best would be a sidescrolling game, but i'd like a 3D game aswell. And to the people who say this won't happen because rare is not working for nintendo anymore, i think other studios could do it aswell. all they'd have to do is copy the gameplay of the old games!

my second wish has been mentioned aswell, skies of arcadia. but this counts for all jrpg series, i'd also like a breath of fire sequel (in a good quality)

last but not least i'd really like to see a sequel to beyond good & evil. this game was great, just a bit short. so sad it didn't sell better...

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)