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Makepeacefox said:
TheRealMafoo said:

I was just thinking the other day...

In Mexico then have no welfare. If you can’t find a way to feed yourself, you die. Some people might think this would cause wide spread crime, but in areas in Mexico where work is easier to come by, crime is very low, and lif is good.

Here is the interesting part (to me anyway). A Mexican will risk death to cross a desert and enter a country illegal, a country where he does not speak the common language, to do a job for less money than locals receive, only to send half of it back to Mexico to feed his family.

Could you imagine an American today who would go though that much trouble for a job? I sure can’t. Today, if you can’t find anything close buy, you just pout, say poor me, and get on Government assistance.

Now, imagine you could take this type of motivation, and apply it to a country with a tremendous amount of opportunity.

If you can’t imagine it, just open a US history book and read about it.


I noticed 2 things which confused me in your post:

1) You mention crime being low where there's lots of work but I'm sure that's the case in countries with welfare as well, and in areas with poor employment there IS crime - illegal border crossing!

2) Countries with no welfare = good, countries with welfare = bad, but Mexicans will risk their life to travel OUT of the country with no welfare?!


Further to the second point - why would anyone want to put unemployed people in such a harsh situation that the only way out of their problems is to risk their life, commit crime, and be sundered from their family?



1. One of the major arguments from welfare, is the wealthy get the benefit of less crime. As long as there are employment opportunities, I don't think it's true. If given the chance, more people will work for food before they will steal for it. If they would rather steal for it, then they will do that with or without welfare.

2. Work ethic of poor people in countries with no welfare = good, work ethic of poor people in countries with welfare = bad. People have to leave Mexico because of everything else that's wrong with the country. I am for a country that provides jobs for everyone that wants to work.