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Barely. Some times I wonder if I did anything wrong, since I don't always get why people see greatness in some things. I'm playing through ICO right now, and it's certainly not a bad game, but the controls are a mess, and they are annoying the crap out of me, and completely dominating my feelings about the game.

I felt the same about MGS 2 and 3. They weren't bad games, but the controls were driving me nuts!

But in the end, it just means I either a) have higher standards than so many others, or b) am more sensitive to bad controls and frustration.

But in general, I don't really care what other people think about a game. I think Mirror's Edge is a great game, despite all its flaws, and I love MGS4. On the other hand, I have never liked GTA games, and I'm not a big fan of open world games, but I love the inFamous demo, and I really liked the world of Assassin's Creed.