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Warning: this thread has a trap/non-descriptive thread title.  I'll let you go with a verbal warning this time, Boss. 

Thread titles must be work safe, descriptive and on topic. Keep the language in thread titles clean. We don't restrict language usage in posts (up to a point), but thread titles are a different matter. Whatever luridly foul things you wish to say about Luigi, you can find a work safe euphemism for the title. Also, letter substitution fools nobody, but strings of unpronounceable symbols are acceptable. Now for the descriptive and on topic bit. It's very simple - use the thread title to sum up or describe what you are saying in your post. Do not use the title as a deceptive hook to lure people in. Do not post something useless like "How do I..." and have the question in the post. Use a game's full name rather than just a abbreviation of it. Starcraft instead of SC. Star Control 2 instead of SC2. Soul Caliber 3 instead of SC3. SimCity 4 instead of SC4. Abbreviations mean different things to different people, so Be Specific. Also, be careful about using the word "official" or "perpetual." Do not simply declare your thread official by fiat. Threads are only "official" or "perpetual" if management says so. In a decision between two threads on the same topic, the thread with the most clear thread title will take priority over the thread with a more obscure topic, even if the latter is posted first.