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ManusJustus said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Abortion should be allowed up to 3 weeks after birth. Parents really don't know whether they can cope up until they've actually experienced it first hand.

I would put it before that.

We should, and most do, associate life with the brain.  Its not considered murder to pull the plug on someone who is brain dead, nor are other body parts (leg, arm, stomach, heart) considered part of life when since they can be removed or replaced.  Thus, I think it makes sense to say that a baby is alive sometime after its brain develops.


So late teens?

Obviously this isn't what you meant but my point is that brain development is a very tricky thing because there is no clear point we can point to and say "its a human brain ....NOW!" because it continues to develop well after birth and into (legal) adult-hood.

To Each Man, Responsibility