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luinil said:

And this is where the real clash of Pro-life and Pro-Choice lies. When do we give the baby the right to life. The Pro-Life group believes it starts at Day 0. Several of the reasons they believe that are founded in religion, to be sure, but there are non-religious Pro-Lifers as well.
The Pro-Choice group believes it starts sometime after Day 0. They don't all agree on when life starts (nor do the "self-titled" Pro-Lifers either I might add), but they believe that up until that point, it should be the choice of the woman to abort.

The reason the clash is so vehement, lies in the fact that we are talking about life and the ending of life, and ostensibly what many consider murder. The view that life begins at Day 0 would tend to see abortion as murder and such a heinous crime, because the baby has no chance to defend itself, and can make no choices about it's own future. Therefore the people who can do something should.

The question I must ask is this, do you know for 100% certain that the baby doesn't do what you think beforehand, or maybe your definition of when life begins is based on faulty assumptions? Could you be wrong? What if life really does begin at Day 0?

My take on those questions is this, Where else can we deem it the creation of life, and therefore a human? imho there is no other option. Take it for what you will.

Actually my position grants protection before any of the signs of being a person are truly there. Twenty six weeks is when the thalamus starts to develop, this is almost certainly required to feel pain.

Other more complex things like emotions and thoughts do not come until later, self awareness doesn't come until some months after birth.

So given that I have taken the earliest possible sign of the first of many things that in my opinion constitute a person I am confident beyond reasonable doubt that the fetus isn't a person beforehand.