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You know what game I would really love, but know will never happen: Donkey Kong. Not that Jungle beat crap, but I mean a DK game like DK 64. Who els here loved that game? It was great, and big, and very well done and fun to play and mess around, along with going with the story line.  The reason this game will never happen is because Rare broke away from exclusive Nintendo and therefor wont make another DK game.

Speaking of Rare, they made alot of really good games for the N64, its too bad they just basically stoped making games, which is the reason Nintendo broke away from them. GoldenEye is obviously a big one that people think about, but another FPS is Perfect Dark. It took advantage of the Exspansion Pac better than any other game. It had a great storyline, cut scenes, graphics, and good voice overs (one of the few N64 games that had voice overs).  But the big thing I remember from PD, is the MP. It was amazing. Alot of in depth MP areas, and the greatest BOT control in any FPS EVER.  Anyone have that game and play multiplayer with bots? You could have them attack a certain player or oponent bot, you could have then stand in a certain place, protect you, patrol, and many other things. It was the most fun I have had in any MP expirience (not just FPS) EVER. My brother and I would play it alot, with something like 6 bots each.

A delayed game is good someday, a bad game is bad forever.