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maykissthebride said:

UPDATE 2 - What´s the deal with the Slow Motion stuff? Maybe someone can translate it, but i think they are saying "Hey, Wii Motion PLus is cool, but you know what´s cooler? WATER BALOONS IN SLOW MOTION!!!! LETS WATCH EM!"

in that specific spot they say:

"In the making off the Wii Motion+ CMs we used a high-speed camera (they call it a "super slow camera", but well, that's not the term we use here) to be able to acurately film the subtle movement the WM+ can detect. This sort of camera takes 5000 shots per second instead of 30/s like the ordinary cameras. For example look at the difference between the images we get by filming the rebound of waterbaloons. As you can see with a high-speed camera even the most subtle movements they make are made visible. Please enjoy watching the subtle movements the WM+ is able to detect in the WM+ CMs."

(I didn't translate everything literally, but I guess you get the idea)