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LordTheNightKnight said:
Darc Requiem said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Darc Requiem said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Darc Requiem said:
First day purchase, my hate of Capcom's Wii efforts has officially been nullified.


Half the hate came from what a lot of you expected, rather than what they promised. In this case, they did promise to try to get the game over here, and they tried and succeeded.

No, it comes from Capcom's BS excuses and half hearted efforts.


Bull. You just don't believe their words, which does not make them untrue. And their games are not halfhearted just because you all think those games are far easier to make than they actually are.

Tell me how my assessment of Capcom's Wii games is "bull." They aren't half hearted because I think they are. They are half hearted because by in large they are ports or low budget games farmed out to less than stellar software houses. RE4 was a port. Okami a port handled by Ready at Dawn. Umbrella Chronicles limited scale title farmed out to Cavia. Darkside Chronicles farmed out to Cavia. Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop farmed out to Tose, one of the least regarded developers in the industry, and wedged on to the RE4 engine. The only original internally developed games Capcom had released on Wii was the low budget but well conceived Zack & Wiki and the until now Japan only Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. Tell me my assessment of Capcom's efforts on Wii is less than accurate.



RE4 wasn't a direct port. Aside from the control, all PS2 assest were recoded to fit on the Wii, including upgrading the textures, and rewriting the engine for the Wii. So using the engine on other Wii games is not limiting them to GC scale.

Capcom said Okami was ASKED for by fans. That's why they ported it. You're calling on Capcom for giving fans what they asked for? As for Ready At Dawn, it's not as though Clover was still around to do it.

But if you mean the outsourcing, Capcom HAS to. Capcom does not have as many employees as other big developers. They simply don't have the manpower to make all those games in house. If they don't outsource some games, they don't get made.

And Tose does a lot more work than you think. They've done more ports than just about every developer in the business, including the original developers doing their own games. And they've done original games, including some of the Mario games.

As for CTYD being "wedged", why are you implying the engine did the wedging, and not being put on the Wii? Do you actually think another engine would somehow make it look better? The original game on the 360 has some of the lowest texture resolution and polygon count of any HD game. Being consitent with that, and the art direction of the game, it's because the Wii is more powerful than the GC that the texture resolution is about the same as on RE4. If CTYD was on the GC, the graphics would be barely better than GTA.

So are you actually arguing that Capcom's Wii support is on the same level is their 360 support? It isn't. As for CTYD, the RE4 engine is a Gamecube engine. That shows little if any optimization for the Wii hardware. Particularly the change in memory structure. The Gamecube's 16MB of PC100 Auxuliary RAM was too slow to be useful in most cases, on the Wii it has 64MB of DDR3 RAM instead. As a Capcom fan and multiplatform owner I've seen first hand the difference in quality.