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akuma587 said:
HappySqurriel said:
akuma587 said:

And unless you are actively involved in volunteer organizations, adopt unwanted children, donate money to starving children, etc.

Pro-life people love to say that life begins at conception. Apparently they stop caring about your life once you are out of the womb. That is the ultimate hypocrisy of most pro-life people (although there are plenty who actually do many of the things listed above, and I applaud them for doing so).



That's about as fair as saying that Pro-Choice people tend to be all about the rights of minorities, but are completely willing to support a massive genocide of them as long as it only involves abortions and not messy guns ...


That was about the most blatant misrepresentation of that facts I have ever seen. Just because you are pro-choice does not mean you are pro-abortion. Are government bureaucrats in a better position to tell a woman what to do with her body than the woman herself? How is that at all a conservative principle?

You are just throwing around the word genocide too for shock value and aren't even using it in the right context:

"the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group."

People getting abortions does not qualify as "deliberate" (giving people the option to do something is not deliberate) or "systemic" (a person has to get an abortion for what you are talking about to even occur, and abortion rates are dropping). And abortion doesn't discriminate between national, racial, political, or cultural groups. Everyone can get an abortion. And some minority groups get less abortions than whites, such as Hispanics.

Furthermore, I don't really recall Republicans getting too upset about Darfur (actual genocide) and Israel's attacks on Gaza and the West Bank (not much better than genocide).

You usually have somewhat mature posts, but that was just childish. You are better than that.



Its exactly as blantent of a misrepresentation of that facts as your claims were ...

Today, more children are aborted in the world because they happen to be of an undesireable gender than all other reasons combined. As people develop the ability to predict other traits (homosexuality for example) and choose to abort a child because this trait makes it somehow undesireable, how is this not a form of eugenics and genocide?