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vlad321 said:
HappySqurriel said:
akuma587 said:
vlad321 said:
Saw this thread coming 2 days ago when I read the article about these stats.

Frankly I saw a guy put it best. You are not "pro-life" unless you are also against all kinds of torture, capital punishment, standing in line to help people with AIDS in Africa, against freedom to bear arms, etc. What you are is anti-sex and promiscuity and that's it. I frankly find it appalling just how hypocritical these "anti-sex" people are. It's fine to be hurting human life, as long as it won't promote having sex!

On another point, most anti-sex people are heavy conservatives and don't want the government to have ANY power and to just let people live. Telling what a person can do with their body is by FAR the WORST thing a government can do. Please, take 95% of my income in taxes, take my guns, control the media, whatever. Just don't fucking tell me what to do with my body. It's just sad how hypocritical people are.

And unless you are actively involved in volunteer organizations, adopt unwanted children, donate money to starving children, etc.

Pro-life people love to say that life begins at conception. Apparently they stop caring about your life once you are out of the womb. That is the ultimate hypocrisy of most pro-life people (although there are plenty who actually do many of the things listed above, and I applaud them for doing so).



That's about as fair as saying that Pro-Choice people tend to be all about the rights of minorities, but are completely willing to support a massive genocide of them as long as it only involves abortions and not messy guns ...



genocide: systematic killing of a racial or cultural group

I also love how yall use terms that aren't even remotely the same just to get a reaction, just like the whole "pro-life" slogan.


In India and China girls are systematically being aborted and recently it was detemined that it is legal in Sweeden to abort children based on their sex ... Down's Syndrome children are being aborted in every country in the world, and in the near future (if there is a genetic link between homosexuality and a test is developed to test for it in the womb) homosexuals will start being aborted simply because they are gay.

Why do you support the termination of an unborn child because they are gay, but don't support the termination of a born child because they are gay?