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I'll admit I'm new to this whole console tracking thing, and I'll admit I have my favorites, but here's where I have my in.

I work for a gaming company. Currently we have 20 PS3's sitting on the shelves (normally we have 4-5 of any system). Corporate ships us 3-4 every 2-3 weeks...Now doing the math, it's not selling that well in my area 

Those key words "in my area", don't seem to apply to just "my area". There're worldwide reports of PS3's just sitting on the shelves, waiting to be sold. 

Here's the comparison, I haven't worked a shift yet where I haven't gotten at least 20 calls with people asking for Wiis. Add that to the 50 who actually come inside the store with the sole purpose of asking for one, and then leaving with their heads hung low when we chuckle and tell them no dice. When we actually do get Wiis, it's in shipment of 3-6, and they're gone within 6 minutes.

 It's not that I don't like Sony. I own a PS2, and I love it, I just think that they could've done a better job with their brand new, state-of-the-art system.

Hindsight is 20/20 yes, but if millions upon millions of dollars are on the line, you can't afford to rely on the hindsight. 


Currently playing: Civ 6