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blegs1992 said:
iclim4 said:
blegs1992 said:
At the time of the choice, maybe she assumes she is 100% sure she will not get pregnant if a condom is used or she turns to the morning after pill, so to her there is no risk. First, no form of protection is proven to work 100% of the time, even if he withdraws. So if birth control just doesn't work the way it should, is it right to punish her by giving her a child to raise for something she didn't have control? Now we're going into whether or not she should just be abstinent: Now it must only be allowed if you want to have a child? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around that... Only mothers that want to raise a child should engage in sexual behavior. That's the "Republican Motherhood" idea of "women should stay at home with the kids" that was all over the country before the 1940's and 50's.

Knowledge is important, if you want to engage in a potentially life altering act you have to know the risks involved and not just "assume" you're 100% safe even though you're really not. Ignorance really isn't a proper excuse.


Knowledge is important, I'll agree with that. I feel sad to say though that not everyone feels that knowledge is important. I don't think, however, that lack of knowledge is really not that big of a deal. I'm not saying ignorance was a proper excuse for getting pregnant and aborting a child. I was saying that ignorance is not a good enough reason to punish her with a child to raise.

And as for the adoption argument, there are homeless people in the country, and we should AT LEAST make sure these people are helped before we introduce a lot of new people to feed and clothe.


While there is a problem with the working homeless, and there are people who are homeless through no fault of their own, the majority of people who are homeless for extended periods of time are homeless because they choose to be ... I'm not saying that these people sit down and make a rational decision to be homeless, but a lot of them are unwilling or unable to choose the path that would make it so they aren't homeless.

This isn't saying that we shouldn't try to be compassionate or try to feed and shelter these people, but their choice to be homeless has very little to do with the number of people in the world.


The fact is that there are far more people who are willing to support and raise a baby in this world than there are unwanted pregnancies that are not being aborted, so the only reasons that healthy babies are being aborted by healthy mothers is that these women are embarassed and afraid that people will learn of their mistake and/or because the baby is some how undesireable.

I'm neither pro-life nor pro-choice (would best be described as an abortion as a last resort kind of person) but I am sick of all the dishonest pushing of abortion as being a necessity to save women from becomming single mothers against their will.