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LordTheNightKnight said:

1. I didn't claim it would sell. You claimed BG&E 2 wouldn't sell on the Wii. Since there is no proof (and the first game didn't sell that well on any system), that's what I was calling you on.

2. The 360 uses EDRAM, but it's all for the frame buffer. Unless the EDRAM for this game is all frame buffer, that has to be adjusted. The PS3 has no EDRAM, so that's even more work. But that's only the beginning. Every line of code is written for how the game would run on the Wii. They would all have to be done over on the HD systems. And if the assets are enhanced, that's even more work.

Maybe you didn't realize that you were putting the two games on equal footing but that's what you did. You reversed the situation with a game that you wanted. I'm saying that the situations are not the same. My points being that I don't think that kind of game appeals to the demographic, and  on top of that, it is a relatively unknown brand.

Just because you want BGAE2 doesn't mean everyone will buy it. It's too bad that niether side can be proven unless both games went multi-plat. All we can do is look at similar games and judge based on that. I'm sorry I said it would "never sell". I was being hyperbolic and I didn't realize you would actually take "never" at face value. It would sell. But not some huge number. In fact it would be much harder to justify the cost of porting the game to the wii, than to port a huge brand name to the HD consoles.

If you want the game then buy the system. I personally don't care about TMNT brawl, but I know that there is decent TMNT fanbase on the HD consoles and it would be financially beneficial to have it as a multiplat.

It would only take some translation, it wouldn't require a completely original code, well it might possibly (though very very unlikely), but it's not like they don't have a framwork to go by. Is a few hundred thousand too little? I think you're trying to make it seem harder than it actually is.

here's some more information: (this one is TMNT on 36 outselling the wii version by twice the amount.)