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look, these are the facts for both max and lord:

The game is a smash brothers clone without the Nintendo characters. Right there it has multiplat opportunities.

It is a good game for people who bought an HD console but still like the mechanics of smash brothers.

It's Ninja Turtles for god's sake. It would sell.

We are talking TMNT smash brothers ported to another console. We aren't talking GTA4 or Gears here. It would not be that expensive. The game doesn't need to be optimized for the cell. Most wii games cost a fraction of hd games. Not because it is that much easier, but because they coding is simpler and less of it needed.

Original fans of TMNT are about 25-28 right now, perfect HD demographic.

It's a fighter, and one that doesn't fit in with much on the HD side. It's good for diversity.

EDIT: @lord
you make a good point about porting to the wii. But howabout from the wii?