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I think it may dip to about 87-89 range...

infamous8 said:

IGN and GameSpot are the only review sites that matter.

I dont know why people take "MetaCritic" seriously. They use scores from Joe Nobody's review site. ANYBODY can make a video game site and post a review/opinion. MetaCritic uses a lot of reviews from people with absolutely ZERO credentials.


IGN and Gamespot are professional and do in-depth video reviews... with the reviewer putting their reputation on the line. Although IGN and GS are not always 100% accurate, Those are the only sites I will trust.


 While I don't like a lot of the reviews that come from the 'JOE NOBODY' review sites, I have to ask:  What credentials are needed to rate a game?  All reviews of video games are based off opinion in one way or another, regardless of journalism experience or being able to evaluate fairly.