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1) sony mentioned recently they are still losing 10% on each ps3 sold, but with the slim having cheaper parts, saving money on heat reducing components, less packaging being needed and more stock being able to be shipped in for same cost, they will be making savings all around.

2) what's to say they haven't reduced the BR costs?

3) as with the ps2 slim, i can imagine a lot of current ps3 owners selling their old models to buy a new one.

4) even without a price cut i can see a surge ( although smaller ), especially in japan where slimmer models are favoured as well as ff13 being released exclusively for the ps3.

5) if there is a price cut in addition to a new ps3, i expect higher sales for the simple reason of the console being better and cheaper.

6) yes the 360 is cheaper but, you dont get a br player, no wifi, no blu tooth, controllers need batteries, online membership charges, no browser for free movie streaming and everyone fails to realise that when a new improved model is released, the predecessor drops in price. that alone will cause a surge in sales as the older models are cleared out.

7) sony has posted a heavy loss, but we cannot be sure what exactly they spent the money on. the gaming sector wasn't their weakest link! the losses in gaming no doubt come from the ps3- game development, r&d etc. however, once an expensive game is released and r&d is complete for a product you sell.

unless games like kz2, infamous , mag, gt5, gow3, heavy rain etc will never profit, there is a good likely hood a lot of these expenses will be cleared and profit made.

8) home is also starting to flourish and is offering more content as well as receiving more support. the micro transactions will only grow with the user base making more money for sony

if sony will still be making a loss per console sold, it will be a smaller loss and a lot of what they will be releasing alongside a possible slim ps3 will possibly turn the loss into profit. weighing out the odds, i believe it is possible for a price cut and a slim to appear this year and if so, the ps3 may finish this gen in 2nd place.