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As always I think this is more than just a black and white issue. It's more than choice, there are many variables, and many things to consider. It's why I hate hard ideologies. Blanket rules are almost never a good idea.

If a woman is raped and gets pregnant, that is not poor choice she made. If a 14 year old is regularly molested by her father and gets pregnant, that is not a poor choice she made. If a woman gets pregnant and it is discovered that both her and the child will die if it is taken to term, that is not a poor choice she made.

It becomes more gray. What if you know the child will have down syndrome and numerous other health problems from an early genetic test? Will you condemn it to a life of misery, something that is only barely considered conscious, but most certainly in pain? I'm not saying there is a definitive answer to this. But there most certainly aren't any blanket rules either, and to judge an individual based on these choices is absurd, callous, and ignorant.

I don't think abortion should be treated as a routine procedure for people that are irresponsible and see a child as inconvenient. When life begins is a delicate and complex subject, but selfishness and narcissism are never a good reason to end potential life (and I doubt selfish narcissists are carefully considering any arguments other than "I hate kids, and I'll lose my figure"). But a blanket statement that abortion is never ok, is equally callous. Blanket ideologies are the easiest way to solve a problem, but are never even close to being the best or even right way to handle them.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.